Saturday, March 2, 2013

Team WOD

I teamed with Tricia, Alanna and Alanna's friend Tom. 

I dubbed our team "Extra Clean" for reasons that are actually kinda disgusting and inappropriate. 

Buy-In: 100 wall balls, one member working at a time

Four stations, each person working at one station, switch when done.

Row 300m
30 box jumps (24" men)
30 bell swings (55lb, but we used 70lb because of a mistake)
30 goblet squats (35lbs)

Row 150m
15 box jumps
15 bell swings
15 goblet squats

Buy-out: 100 pull-ups, one member working at a time.

Here's what I remember:

- We did the wallballs in sets of 15 and 10
- I thought the box jumps would take a lot longer than the rest of the exercises, but it turns out it was any station I was on was the slowest.  I was really slow on the goblet squats, surprisingly.
- I couldn't figure out why the bell swings were kicking my ass so hard, then I realized I was using a 70lb bell.  I was already 20 swings in, so I decided to keep going with it.  But it sucked. 

17:28, or something like that. 

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