Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Weighted PLUs, HSPU clusters, "Venti"

A. Weighted Pullups 3-3-3

20, 30, 35, 40

B. Handstand PushUp clusters:

4 on the minute for 10 minutes (can uber with hands on plates)

I ubered this for six minutes, but in the seventh, my arms, , gave outwith little warning.  I could have tried doing normal HSPUs, but I wasn't sure if it was a minor injury or just fatigue.  I felt unsafe continuing to go upside down, and took a DNF instead. 

C. “Venti”

3 rounds:
500m Row
20 KB high pulls  (RX'd was using a 35lb kettlebell, but I grabbed a 45lb KB and didn't realize it until I was well into round one)
20 KB push press (10 per side)
20 Abmat situps


The push press, particularly with my left arm, was the hardest part. 

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