Wednesday, March 30, 2016

VolkeFit: 60-second spurts of inadequacy

1 minute max push press at 95lb
Rest 1 min
1 minute max burpees
Res 1 min
1 minute max AD (cal)
Rest 6 minutes

Push Press: 39, 37, 20
Burpees:  18, 14, 13
AirDyne:39, 31, 26

Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Boxing - Parents' night

The Boy is taking a boxing class, and they offered parents the chance to come and learn about what what they are teaching the kids.  Me and about a half-dozen other parents took advantage of it.

Here's what we did:

Light jog, high knees, butt kickers

Sit-ups and two punches (holding little dumbbells) for 60 seconds (two of them)

Push-up plankhold, then push-ups.

Then it was a bunch of work on jabbing and right cross.  My footwork sucks.

Monday, March 28, 2016

Living room: Monday Night Squat

Was gonna do push-ups, but my arm hurt for some reason.

Did 15 squats per minute for 20 minutes, instead.   300 squats.

Thursday, March 3, 2016

B-Squad: Keep on keepin' on

2 rounds:

  • 5 minute row
  • 2:30 walk
  • 5 minute ride
  • 2:30 walk
  • 5 minute box step-ups (20")
  • 2:30 walk
Nice little 45:00 of continuous work.   I could adapt this for my basement or garage. 


I didn't really track my results.  On the row, I wanted to make sure I got 1,250m each times.

Wednesday, March 2, 2016

VolkeFit: Hey

A. Metcon 
4 sets:
10 DB Power snatches/arm (40lb)
10 box jumps (20")
Ride 250m
(It says rest 2 minutes between, but I missed that)


B. Lift
Clean (Squat Clean)
1 rep of 155every 75s


I seriously need to get my garage insulated so I can get a barbell and some bumper plates.

C. Metcon
3 sets for time:
15 Russian swings
8 Push-up-less burpees
15 calories AirDyne
