Sunday, July 30, 2017

Basement WOD with the Pearces: Weighted Deck of Cards

Nick's basement.  Nick, Crystal and Olivia joined in.

Deck of Cards (men using 25lb dumbell)

-Russian Twists - Clubs
-Weighted sit-ups - Spades
-Goblet squats - Hearts
-Push-ups (no weight) - Diamonds

Jokers= 10 burpees

Tuesday, July 25, 2017

B-Squad: Hot Time in the City

A. 5x5 BB push press

I topped out at 165, which was harder than I thought it would be .

B. 3x Front rack lunge, 10 per leg.
I used 2x 35lb DB

C. Five rounds:
300m row
10 burpee up-downs
Rest 1min between rounds


Saturday, July 22, 2017

B-Squad: Flippin' hard

It's a Saturday at B-Squad, so of course there's 10 rounds. 

10 rounds: 
5 tire flips
10 jump over bench (L/R counts as one) - holding on to the bench with hands
5 burpees
l0 ball slams (we used the wall balls, which are a lot more bouncy than my slam ball at home.  I jammed my pinky on the first bounce.) 

Took me 25:04

Wednesday, July 19, 2017

B-Squad: Nice Rack!

A1. 20 DB front rack walking lunges, rest 30s
A2. 14 DD front rack DB squats, rest 1min,

I used 2x35lb

B. 3 rounds
10 L-sit DB press (2x35lb)
-rest 30s
30s plank hold
-rest 1m

C. 3 rounds:
750m bike
10 burpees


Sunday, July 9, 2017

B-Squad: Saturday Team WOD

With a partner:

20 cal row (each)
120 KB swings (in sets of 10)
20 cal row (each)
60 toes to bar (screw this... did them in sets of 10 and 5)
20 cal row (each)
30 burpees (together, synchronized)
20 cal row (each)