Saturday, August 30, 2014

VolkeFit: Come and Knock on our Door

Five sets, changing the order each time:

400m-ish run
15 wallballs
15 hand-release push-ups
20 box jumps (step down)
50 double unders

Rest three minutes between. 

Round 1: 5:30
Round 2: 4:50
Round 3: 4:50
Round 4: 4:57
Round 5: 5:25

B. 21-15-9
Plate touches
Bell swings (shoulder height

Took me 2:14, which was pretty slow.  I didn't figure out a fast technique for the plate touches until deep into the 21 set. 

Basement: 20 Minute of AirDyne

6.1 km
365 calories

B-Squad: Front squats and Metcon

A. Front Squats

Pick a heavy weight.  Do reps of 5,  5 and max.
I used 185. Did 5, 5, and 9. I thought I did 10 but Christian marked 9.

B. Metcon

Four rounds of:

500m row
10 pull-ups
10 thrusters (95lb)
10 burpees.

I think my time was 19:04. That seems like a long time.

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Basement: 25 minutes of AirDyne

I'm getting fat again due to a weeklong AMRAP of stuffing my fucking face.  In fact, I'm eating trail mix as I type this, after having just eaten some sausage.

So I decided to hop on my AirDyne for 25 minutes.  

If I had a twin, here's what it would have looked like:

That's me on the left.

For the 25 min, I kept a good pace, but not balls to the wall.  The watts were generally in the 160-200 range.

338 cal
7.4 km  (approx)

Sunday, August 24, 2014

CrossFit Regina: Hope

A Fight Gone Bad-style WOD, with three five-minute rounds and a one-minute break between rounds.

-Power snatch (75lb)
-Box jumps (24")
-Chest-to-bar pull-ups

Round 1:
18 burpees
16 snatch
16 box jumps
16 thrusters
11 C2B

Round 2:
16 burpees
16 snatch
15 box jumps
14 thrusters
12 C2B

Round 3:
14 burpees
12 snatch
12 box jumps
13 thrusters
11 C2B

Total score: 211

It's funny, I was sore from the previous day's workout, so I did this with the idea that I wouldn't go too hard. But I've done this WOD in 2012 and 2013 and I beat both those scores.

Saturday, August 23, 2014

B-Squad: Rows/OHS and DUs/Burpees

I hadn't worked out in a week.  Dumb.  

A. Rowing / Overhead Squats
21-18-15-12-9-6-3 of 
-Row for calories
-Overhead squats (95lb)


Rest for five minutes, then...

B. Double Unders / Burpees

50 double unders
10 burpees
40 double unders
10 burpees
30 double unders 
10 burpees
20 double unders
10 burpees
10 double unders
10 burpees


On the plus side: I did every set of DUs unbroken.  But holy shit, I was so slow on the burpees.  

Saturday, August 16, 2014

VolkeFit: Two girls, one Ty

A. Thrusters

10 x 75lb
8 x 95lb
6 x 115lb

That was what was called for.  I felt like doing some more:

6 x 125
4 x 135
4 x 145

B. Threesome

For 30 minutes, rotating through three stations.  Switching when one person is done the run.
2. Running about 1km.
    -5 ball slams
    -10 sit-ups
    -5 KB snatches (each arm)

Friday, August 15, 2014

Basement: Drowning in Burpees

500m row
50 burpees
250m row
25 burpees
100m row
10 burpees


Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Basement: AirDyne, Ball Slams, Ring Dips

For time, five rounds of:
500m AirDyne
15 ball slams
5 ring dips

Approximately 12:35.  I say approximately because I took a phone call right after the AirDyne in the last round.  I think the call lasted around a minute.

Monday, August 11, 2014

B-Squad: Rowing and Stuff

Three rounds:

250m row
30 seconds of single skips
30 seconds of box jumps
30 seconds of single skips
30 seconds of thrusters (95lbs)
30 seconds of single skips
250m row

Resting two minutes betwee

That's what I did.  Because I become a bit of an idiot as soon as I start sweating, I completely missed that we were supposed to do 30 seconds of push-press before the final 250m row.

So I did three sets of push press, resting a minute between.

Bonus work:

The Boy accompanied me to B-Squad, so I made him do a race to 20 burpees against me.  He won.

Saturday, August 9, 2014

VolkeFit: Bringing the Sexy

A. Power Cleans and Front Squats

Power clean x1 and front squats x3.   I think I did up to 185. 

B. Deadhangs and Bent-Overs

Five rounds:
5 deadhang pull-ups
rest 30 sec
5 bent over rows (95lb)


C. Metcon
(One person working at a time)

Five rounds:
25 calories on the AirDyne
15 wall balls
20 bell swings (shoulder height) 55lbs
50 double unders. 

Thursday, August 7, 2014

CFR: "A Thousand Islands"

A.  CrossFit Warmup
Extended Warmup: 2 10m length jogs, 1 10m length butt kickers, 1 10m length high knees, 1 10m length walking lunge with rotation (towards lead leg), 10 air squats @ 2010, 10 jumping squats, 10 inch worms, 10 side to side
Pre-Mobility: banded ankle distraction
B. Weighted Sit-Ups
3 sets of 10 weighted situps using increasing weight
I did 35, 45, and 55.  The first two sets I did without an abmat.  The third set I used an abmat and it was easier that way.   
I think there was room for more.  

C. “A Thousand Islands”
For time:
10 burpees
1000m Row
10 burpess
1000m Run
10 burpees
1000 single skips
10 burpees
27:16.   I'm still terrible at this.  In the class I was in, I was second back from the run, but took so long on the skipping, (doing the 1000 in sets of 50) that just about everyone else passed me.  
Ah, well, it's good to be humbled by a workout regularly.  And at least I'm not quite as terrible as I used to be.  

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

CFR: "Skip Up"

Warm-Up: Burpees

I arrived late for the "Thunderstruck" warm-up, so I just did the 36 burpees.

Skill: Handstands

We were supposed to do 3 x 1 minute hand stands.  I did two full minutes and a half minute.  My right wrist started bothering me.

WOD: "Skip Up" 

25 Double Unders
10 pull-ups
25 Double Unders
9 pull-ups
25 DUs
8 PLUs
25 DUs
7 PLUs
25 DUs
6 PLUs
25 DUs
5 PLUs
25 DUs
4 PLUs
25 DUs
3 PLUs
25 DUs
2 PLUs
25 DUs

Finished in 7:26.   That was a pretty good time.  All but one or two sets of the DUs were unbroken.  I think I started breaking up the pull-ups in the round of nine.  And I actually did 10 on that one because I'm stupid.

Sunday, August 3, 2014

CrossFit Brio: OHS, T2B and Burpee AMRAP

While on a little weekend getaway to Saskatoon, I went to CrossFit Brio for a workout.

Five rounds of a three-minute AMRAP:
•6 overhead squats (95 lb)
•8 toes-to-bar
•10 burpees

There's a 90 second break between rounds and we pick up where we left off at the end of the last round.

I ended up with 9 rounds plus 6 OHS and 1 T2B. 

Saturday, August 2, 2014

VolkeFit: Schweaty Schaturday

A. Power Clean/Front Squat

Power clean x1, then front squat x3

I got up to 195.

B. DHPLUs/Bent Over Rows

5 deadhang pull-ups
Rest 30 seconds
5 bent-over rows (95lbs)

Five rounds. (alternating with a partner.)

C. Metcon
Five rounds, resting approx. four minutes between.

25 calories on the AirDyne
15 wall balls
20 bell swings (shoulder height) 55lbs
50 double unders

I did this.  I took breaks during the wall balls on the later rounds.  I managed to do the DUs unbroken, except for the round I whipped my fingers on the seventh rep and another round I tripped up with 3 left.

Basement: 2 km Row

7:28. I can't find a record of me doing it faster.