Friday, August 14, 2009

Self-Sabotage; New "Harley" PR; F**king Wall Balls

I have a knack for self-sabotage. This morning, I hopped on the electronic scale and saw 174.9.

Getting under 175 once seemed like a pipe dream, considering my weight was at one point north of 210.

Today wasn't the first time I've been that low. These days, I normally range from between 175 to 179. But every time I dip below 175, it's a reminder that a big goal of mine has been achieved.

And then I go and pig the fuck out.

It's not a conscious decision. It just seems to work out that way. Today, at a staff BBQ, I consumed three hot dogs (one bunless; the others were, uh, bunful), plenty of potato chips, a couple of two-bite brownies and a couple of generous chunks of rice krispie cake. And a Diet Pepsi.

To make matters worse, I followed that up with a medium Chocolate Xtreme Blizzard from DQ. It was a charity thing and had been ordered on Tuesday, but I still ate every last bit of it.

So, even though I'm going to CrossFit tomorrow, I headed out to the garage for a little penance tonight.

First, I thought I would go for max pull-ups. I got 20! That's only one less than my PR at CrossFit Regna, and three more than my previous "Harley" max.

Then I did tomorrow's walballs, 92.


Anonymous said...

Yah and what do I go and do, nothing! On my big 1000 F**KING WB day I slept in. WTF the world is conspiring against me. It is the first day of my holidays incidently, so I will cram it into my afternoon when I have peace and quiet in the gym.
But the day did not start off good.


Robin said...

You want thing-a-mabobs?
I've got twenty
But who cares? No big deal. I want more.