Thursday, August 6, 2009

Pull-ups - Away and Home

After wondering if I was ever going to be able to keep my grip on "Harley" (my nickname for the pull-up bar in my garage) for more than six consecutive kipping pull-ups, I did 10 yesterday evening before mowing the lawn, and then another 11 after midnight when I went out to take some stuff out of the back of our minivan.

My personal record on the smaller bar at CrossFit Regina is 20, but I've only been able to do that once.


Aaron said...

Please post a picture of your pull-up bar setup.

Tyler said...

I've taken pictures, but it was with our new camera that I'm not really allowed to touch and Tracey hasn't downloaded them yet. You'll see it Saturday, at any rate.

Robin said...

When do I get to see the new pull-up bar?

Tyler said...

If pictures aren't enough, you can stop by sometime. But you're not allowed to beat me at pull-ups on my own bar. : )

Robin said...

Oh, that sounds like a challenge! Will it be like when my brother-in-law challenged me to a push-up contest, and when I got to 20 he stepped on my back holding me down?!?!

Tyler said...

In fact, it is the absolute opposite of a challenge. What's your consecutive pull-up PR? 60?