Thursday, August 27, 2009

How much ya bench?

In my case, not much.

The WOD was 5-5-5-5-5 of bench presses, followed by five rope climbs and 50 leg pistols.

I had never done bench presses as part of a workout, but I knew that I can't lift a lot that way. Plus, my left arm has been a bit sore since Saturday's day of hell.

So, my lifts went like this: 95, 115, 125, 135, 140 (1). Oh yeah, I was partnered with Harlan, who was lifting 100lbs more than me.

Afterward, it was time to tackle the rope climb. I was a little apprehensive, because I'd only done it once before. That time, it really hurt my sissy hands and I think it contributed to a temporary arm problem.

The first one went fine. The second climb went even better, and I barely had to use my feet. I got to the top, rang the bell and it was time to go down.

There are two ways to go down the rope: You can drop (we have a crashpad, though it's not huge) or you can climb (which takes more work). The problem is, I'm both chickenshit and lazy. So my instincts l tried to slide down it like a fireman's pole. Well, obviously that is not something you do on a rough, coarse rope. Naturally, I skinned a good-sized chunk out of the meaty part of my palm, below my thumb.


Actually, it could have been way worse, so I got pretty lucky.

But I didn't get to the other three rope climbs, and it was getting late so no leg pistols, either.


Kurt said...

The bench press wods turns me into an outsider at the gym. I can hold my own with other workouts but this one makes me feel like the violin toting Les Nessman from WKRP. I usually stand back in awe of the other guys benching more than me (guys with 40lbs less mass than I have) and some of the women as well. To put it this way, Angdesj could easily pin me in a UFC match.

Umm, not sure if there’s any pearls of wisdom here but you can safely say you’ve got me beat. I don’t think I could even get one rep @ 135lbs.

Anonymous said...

Kurt you will have to get in line. I will be pinning Harlan first in a match.


Aaron said...

I didn't think you were getting that rematch, a. Sounds like you are optimistic, though.

Kurt said...

I should mention that I did get a 1RM of 155lbs so I guess I did beat you this time. Doesn't happen very often.

Robin said...

Tyler, remind me to show you how I come down the rope next time we're at the gym at the same time.

And you need to update your Helen time on your benchmark list to the left here.