Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Fran puts on 40lbs, becomes a real bitch

"Fran" is one of the most signature of CrossFit workouts. More CrossFitters know their Fran time than know their Mom's birthday.

"Fran" is:

21-15-9 reps

95lb thrusters

The workout today was "Heavy Fran."

Heavy Fran is the same number of reps but with 135lb thrusters. 135lbs is a lot of weight for me. To put it into perspective, I just HATED doing salt bag thrusters during the Wall Ball Challenge, and this is with three times the weight.

I could have scaled it back, but I didn't want to do just regular Fran today, because the next time I do it, I want to significantly improve upon my current score, and I didn't feel like today was the day to do that. I could have gone with 115, but then I'd spend the rest of the day wondering if I should have just sucked it up and gone for the full 135. I figured with this, I would just slug my way through it and accept whatever the time ended up being.

I had gotten there late, and should have probably done a better warm-up, but I just wanted to get on with it.

The first set of 21 thrusters was awful. I think I did 6 straight off the bat, but from then on it was 4s and 3s. It's pretty bad when you start thinking of pull-ups as a break, but that's what they were. Pull-up sets were 11-10.

The second set of 15 wasn't much better. It's fewer, but at this point, I was already feeling it. I think the sets went 3-4-3-2-3. Pull-ups were 10 and 5.

Third set, 1-3-2-3. The last three was basically just me wanting so bad to be done, I didn't want to put the bar down. Pull-ups were 6-1-1-1.

Time was 13:55, which is probably at least twice what my regular Fran time would be if I did it today.


When I was done, I curled up in the fetal position for a few minutes, then I felt like I wanted to yak, so I went outside. I hadn't eaten breakfast, so nothing came up.


Kurt said...

If I'm not mistaken you have a pretty decent shoulder press so this isn't much of a stretch for you. You beat my regular Fran time BTW so I'm feeling a bit I'm going to do 115lb since I know I couldn't do 135. Good job Tyler.

Anonymous said...

Well I was impressed. That's a lot of weight for a leprachaun:)
