Saturday, September 26, 2009

Fight Gone Bad: Well, THAT'S a bit of a surprise

318. Previous best was 291. A year ago, I did 256 on Sept. 27.

That score is a bit of a because we had some people over last night and there were Jell-o shooters (I lost count) and cheese fondue. I wasn't super hungover today, but I did feel a bit off.

I also did the workout solo. Everyone else who showed up to do it all went in the first round. Some of their scores may have suffered a bit because of the gym's configuration and some confusion about which station to hit next.

When it was my turn, I made sure the barbell and boxjump were nice and close to the rower and wallball to make sure the transitions were quick, since I didn't have to worry about getting in anyone else's way. That helped a bit, but it was the steady encouragement from Christine, Julie and Leya that really drove this score. I'm pretty happy with it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

awesome score buddy!