Tuesday, September 29, 2009

"GI Jane"

This was Sunday's workout at CrossFit Regina, but I did it today, because I'm resting my back after tweaking it during Fight Gone Bad. I need to heal up for Saturday.

100 burpee pull-ups, or "burpulls" for time.

Basically, you drop down, do the push-up part of the burpee, and when you get up for the jump, you jump up to the pull-up bar and do a pull-up. To do it rx'd, you do it to the 8-foot bar, and that's a bit of a leap for me, since I'm only 5'9". I usually take a step back and do a step into a two-footed jump. I have to jump to grab the bar, and then do a kipping pull-up. If I was taller, I could just do a jumping pull-up, which would knock a bit of time off.

It took me 18:25. I think I took like three minutes off the last time I did it, but there's still lots of room for improvement there. The worst part was that I couldn't keep track of my reps, even though I was marking off every set of ten. I may have done a few more than 100, or possibly a few less, though I try to not give myself the benefit of the doubt.

I didn't use any tape, but hands didn't rip, which I'm glad about.

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