Wednesday, September 9, 2009


For time, five rounds of:

20 pull-ups
30 push-ups
40 sit-ups
50 squats

Rest three minutes in between rounds.

Total time, including the 12:00 in breaks was 38:44. My round times were:
26:44 total work time.

The problem with this one is the math. If you think about the total number of reps you have to do, it's pretty daunting. Of course, since looking on the CrossFit Regina website last night, it's pretty much all I could think about.

During the workout, my pull-ups were fairly bad and my push-ups were atrocious. By the third round, sit-ups were like torture.

AngDesj was chasing me the entire time, and she kept letting me know about it. The last round, despite my head start, she made up a lot of time on the pull-ups and then passed me on the push-ups. But she's got an issue with sit-ups, so I thought I could catch her.

It was weird, something came over me during the sit-ups. It wasn't really a second wind, but more like I was suddenly filled with an inner peace that relaxed me and let me just do the work without feeling a lot of pain from my abs. I just closed my eyes, went to work, and was able to do 25 straight, and finish the rest pretty quickly. I also did better on the squats in the final round than any other round, doing 30 straight, quick breather, then two sets of 10.

Afterward, I felt like death. I was semi-concerned that I was going to pass out on the drive home.

Michele and BrianB kicked ass on this one.

I found a video of a "Babara" workout on YouTube. I particularly enjoyed how the dude in the muscle shirt isn't doing full pull-ups. Full extension on the arms, fucker!

Oh, are they anchoring their feet for the sit-ups? Yes they are. Are they sitting all the way up? No they are not. Someone needs to yank this gym's affiliation.


Chris said...

Tyler, it sounds like you worked pretty hard this morning, good job. As for anchored sit-ups they are totally legit. In fact, in my opinion they are preferred. Like a GHD sit-up, when you anchor your feet you can engage your hip flexers and generate more power. As far as I know, generating more power is cool in our training. However if you want to train the abs in "isolation" by removing the hip flexors, then you sould be doing your abmat sit-ups unanchored with your knees spread to the sides as the designers of the ab mat intended.

Tyler said...

I guess that makes sense. They weren't getting very high on the sit-ups, though, and that dude's pull-ups did suck.

Leya said...

He also wasn't opening his hips on the squats. Basically, if he could cheat the ROM in some way, he did. The little red haired dude, however, had great work ethic and pretty much every rep was legit. Go little red haired dude!

Anonymous said...

If I could anchor my feet I would shave over 5min off my time no question. But then I would never get better at situps. Both have a function and are different.
