Friday, September 25, 2009

"Friday With No Two Pizzas" and Vaseline on my ass

The name of the WOD comes from a quote from an episode of "Friends," which is Robin's favourite show. You can see the full quote on the second comment here.

For time, four rounds of:
400m run
50 sit-ups
50 sumo deadlift high pulls (45lbs)

That's a lot of sit-ups. And the problem with me and sit-ups is that once I do a certain amount, I get a blister on my inside right buttock, just outside the crack, at the point where the tailbone makes contact with the floor, causing friction. The technical CrossFit term for this is "Monkey Butt."

200 sit-ups would normally mean a few days of really uncomfortable sitting, along with occasional urges to throw my feces at people who anger me.

However, for the first time, I used a trick that Simon passed on a while back. He said the trick was to reduce the friction between your ass and the floor using Vaseline or something like that. It worked pretty well, I gotta say. No Monkey Butt.

As for the workout, it was tough. After the first round, I knew it was going to suck bad, as my running, sit-ups, and SDHPs all slowed down considerably. I had the Janimal on my tail the whole time.

25:56. We didn't have time to do the "Three Minute Fran" that was also on the books. Oh well.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Honestly, that ass is just begging to be kissed. Everytime I get creeped out by the hairy faced dude, I come back and look at this photo. It makes me laugh.
