Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Barbell Complex and Rejected Spring Fling Team Names

CrossFit Regina WOD

Five rounds, not for time:
Using 95lb barbell

-Snatch Grip Deadlift x6
-Snatch Grip Romanian Deadlift x6
-Hang Power Snatch x6
-Overhead Squat x6
-Push press x6

Don't put the bar down until you've gone through the entire complex.  You're supposed to rest 90 seconds between sets.  I was partnered with two other dudes, so my rest time might have been more than that, but not nearly as much as I would have liked.

Rx'd version called for behind the back, snatch-grip push press, unless you have shoulder issues, which I do.  I can barely lower an empty bar behind my head, let alone after a shitload of work. 

I did this.  It got hard at the end.  (That's what she said.)

Rejected Spring Fling Team Names

I signed up for this year's CrossFit Regina Spring Fling V.  I decided to change things up from finishing in the bottom 3 of the individual competition, so I signed up in the team competition. 

Rankin is graciously allowing me to be the albatross around his neck as we are partnering up. 

The competition isn't until June, but the first order of business was come up with a team name. 

Here are some of the ones I proposed, which we didn't go with.  However, some of these are great and I reserve the right to use any or all ofthem at a future date.  NO STEALSIES!

In no particular order: 

-Vicious and Delicious
-Nacho Men
-Rich Froning's Weird Cousins
-Paleotards  (We almost went with this, but decided it might be deemed offensive.)
-Paleo Dicaprio

I will reveal our actual team name at a later date.  Right now, only Rankin and I know it.   

And Keenan.   

And maybe Aimee and her unborn child.   

And a couple of my co-workers.    

But other than that, I'm keeping it under wraps.


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