Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Regional WOD #4: "The 100s"

For time:
100 Wall balls, 20/14 lbs to a 10’ target
100 Chest-to-bar Pull-ups
100 Pistols (one-legged squats), alternating
100 One-arm dumbbell snatches, alternating (70/55lb), do not need to squat
Time cap 25mins.

I was dreading this one all day.  Honestly, I was really re-thinking my rule about not cherrypicking WODs. 

Actually, the best thing about it was the time cap.  Knowing that it wouldn't go longer than 25 minutes, and being fairly certain I wouldn't get to the DB snatches, that provided some comfort. 

I was also mildly concerned about my ability to keep track of my reps, no joke.  I decided to do the wall balls in sets of 10 and mark each set on the whiteboard.  This had the added bonus of giving me a little rest in between sets. 

It wasn't the fastest way to do it -- I think it took me over 7:00, which is pretty slow -- but I also wasn't bagged when I moved to the C2B.

Going into this, I knew the C2B pull-ups were gonna be ugly.  My goal was to get through them without tearing my hands... and also just to get through them. 

I did the first set of 10.  Then sets of fives.  Then sets of three and two.  I finished it sometime after 20:00. 

For something I'm not real adept at, the pistols went better than expected.  I'm still much better with my left leg than my right, but the gap seemed closer tonight than any time previously.  Perhaps my legs were good and warmed up after the 100 WB. 

Whatever it was, I got through 33 of them before the time ran out, which is more than I expected.  

Final result: 100 WB +  100 C2B + 33 pistols

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