Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Overhead Squats / “May Flowers?” Pyramid

A. Overhead Squats 3-3-3-3-3


Not much to say about this.  On the two fails, I spent too much time trying to stabilize the weight after jerking it above my head.  (Note to self: get under it more on the jerk overhead next time) By the time I got down into the squat, I couldn't hold it anymore.

My shoulders were a bit of an issue, too, but I think the main problem was that I went for a 20lb jump from a weight (165) that was already a challenge.  Then I psyched myself out. 

B. “May Flowers?” Pyramid


Bell swings (55lbs)


I did all the bell swings unbroken.  Not so much with the toes-to-bar

By the time I reached the second set of eight, my grip felt like it was fried. 

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