Monday, May 27, 2013

6am: Tabata or not Tabata...

A. 2 Position Snatch (Floor, Mid Thigh) 70% x 5

I did this with 115.  I had an issue catching my second snatch on reps 4 and 5.  I wanted to go out on a high note, so I did it one more time.  I had to catch it in a power snatch and go down for the squat, though. 

B. Tabata Mash-up

1 Tabata Round of 4min for max reps. In a series of 20sec on followed by 10sec off x8. Alternate between two movements for a total of 4 sets of each.

a. Wallball  (total of 61)

b. Double unders (Total of 153)

I figured out pretty early on that I should stop at 7 wall balls (not that I had time for any more anyway) so I could catch my breath in time for the DUs.  Trying to get one or two more WB would have severely compromised my ability to get even the small number of DUs that I managed to get. 

(after looking at this chart, I discovered a math error.  10 + 9 = 19, dumbass)

Total score is 214

BONUS: Wait 3 minutes then 20 Unbroken 24″ Burpee Box Jumps, not part of scored time

Did it.  Slowly.  Hey, unbroken just means that you keep moving, but it doesn't say how fast.   It took me 2:29. 

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