Thursday, September 8, 2016

Regina Boxing Club: Eye of the Tyler

Probably the worst title for a blog post ever.

First time doing a workout at the Regina Boxing Club, other than a "Parents Night" thing a while back.

This was HARD.

Warmed up by running around the gym, doing high knees, buttkickers, side to sides and stuff.

Then it was time for the Circuit.

This was savage.

20 minutes:

10 squats
20 alternate v-sits (l/r = 2)
30 mountain climbers (l/r = 1)
40 skips

10 burpees
20 sit-ups
30 lunges (l/r = 2)
40 skips

10 push-ups
20 bicycle crunches (l/r = 1)
30 horizontal jumping jacks
40 skips

Repeat as needed.

I got through this thing 2 times, I think, and got to the burpees on the third way through it. 

Then it was time for some interval bag work.  That was fun, but hard.  Maybe more hard than fun, really.  Starting with 1-2 and working up to four-punch combinations.  During this segment, Coach Pat Fiacco pulled people off one-by-one to hit pads.

I am really bad at hitting pads.

We finished off with some goddamn planks.  Holy shit, I'm bad at planks.  Or at least I was tonight because I was wrecked from all the work I'd already done.

On a side note, I've been making a conscious effort to drink a LOT more water recently.   Most of it came pouring out of me (as sweat) during this workout.

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