Saturday, September 24, 2016

B-Squad: Life lessons

"Son, when a pretty lady asks if you want to do yoga with her, you always say yes."


"Yeah, but I could get hit by a bus tomorrow and I would have died never having told you that."

-Actual conversation with my son today at B-Squad.

Another Saturday B-Squad grinder:

10 rounds of:

-10 pull-ups
-10 wall ball shots (no full squat and the ball doesn't have to reach the 10-foot line)  I didn't realize this until after the 3rd round, when I had already done 3 sets of full wall balls. Learning that was the best news ever.)
-10 knee raises  (could have done T2B but would have torn my hands to shit and disabled my shoulder.  I don't know if anyone else who did the WOD did ten full rounds of T2B but if there were, they are more badass than me.)
-10m broad jump.

The pull-ups were the toughest part of this.  Everything else was okay.  22:24

The Boy did a five-round version replacing the pull-ups with 5 ring rows and the knee raises with sit-ups.

He followed that up with rowing and skipping.

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