Saturday, January 12, 2013

Sweet Tooth

Partner workout.  Nathan and I reprised "Nat-Ty By Nature."

Picture a running clock, with five consecutive 5-minute periods.

A. First five minutes: While I did 11 burpees, 11 pull-ups and 11 burpulls (we could do it at whatever pace we wanted), Nathan did a 5-min AMRAP of:
(95lb barbell)
3 hang power cleans
4 push press
5 thrusters   
He did 6 rounds.

Second five minutes: We switched places.  I did the barbell complex AMRAP (which got bad surprisingly quick, like halfway through the second round) and Nathan did the 11-11-11. 
I did 5 rounds.

B. Third five minutes: I did the 11-11-11, and Nathan did a 5-min AMRAP of:
5 box jumps (20")
1 clean and jerk in the first round, 2 in the second round, 3 in the third, etc
He did 6 rounds.

Fourth five minutes: We switched. 
I did 6 rounds.

C. Final five minutes: Medicine ball situps, passing the ball back and fourth. 

We combined for 131. 

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