Monday, April 9, 2012

Snatch balance / Partition Nautical Nancy

A. Strength = Snatch Balance 3 3 3


Hadn't done these before. I could probably go a bit heavier, but bringing the bar back across my shoulders before the 2nd and 3rd rep was unpleasant as the weight got heavier.

I could see how this movement would help a lifter with his or her confidence about getting under the bar for squat snatches, which is an issue for me.

B. Metcon = Partition Nautical Nancy:
5 rounds of 500m Row and 15 Overhead Squats with 95/65lb
*Each round starts every 4 minutes.

Done, as rx'd. Kept the rows under 2 min and tried to finish the OHS by the 3:00 mark. Did them in sets of 10 and 5, except for the last one, which was 8 and 7.

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