Monday, April 30, 2012

Clean and Jerks / Petranek Fitness Test

A. Clean & Jerk 3-2-1-1-1
Then 85%x2x2

1x205 (FAIL on the jerk)

Then 2x175 for two sets.

I'm sure I've done 205 before, but don't have any record of it. Maybe it was just a rack jerk. Any day you get a PR or close to it at 6am in the morning is a good day.

B. Petranek Fitness Test
For time: 500m Row
40 Squats, 30 Situps, 20 Pushups, 10 Pullups

After doing the row pretty quickly (for me) my legs were done for the squats.

Took me 4:24 which felt like forever, since Jarret was done about 40 seconds sooner. That's one second slower than I did this in 2009. Yesterday's front squats might have something to do with that, though.

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