Thursday, April 26, 2012

Partial Flight Simulator

Today was my first WOD of 2012 at CrossFit Creekside, the completely unauthorized and woefully under-equipped rogue affiliate that primarily serves as my garage.

I didn't have a lot of time at 6am this morning, so picked a WOD I saw on the CrossFit Moose Jaw site called "Partial Flight Simulator."

Double Unders:

You have to pause between sets, and all sets must be unbroken before moving on.

It took me about 8:30

This was harder than I thought it would be. Plus, I had some clearance/interference issues with the rigging for my garage door, so that messed up a couple of my sets. Yes, I could have done this on my back patio or the sidewalk in front of my house, but I didn't think my neighbours should be subjected to my swearing, sweaty, dishevelled body so early in the morning. ("Swearing?" Yes. I usually whip myself pretty good at least a couple of times during DUs and there is no burpee penalty for swearing at CrossFit Creekside. In fact, swearing is encouraged.

The full "Flight Simulator" WOD has to go up to sets of 50, by increments of 5. I'm assuming they have to be unbroken. Knowing how brutal I felt by the first set of 25, I am confident I can say that there is no way on Earth I could do that.

I'm pretty good at DUs, but you'd have to be a certified fucking CrossFit Ninja or a world champion skipping master to do that kind of WOD rx'd.


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