Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Strength - Workout B

Back squat - 3 sets of 5 x 195lbs

Bench press - 3 sets of 5 x 105lbs

Power cleans - 5 sets of 3 x 120lbs.

I'm interested to see which lift I max out on (or - to use the more honest term - "fail with") first. Logic dictates that it will be the back squat, or possibly the deadlift. I feel like I have a fair bit of room left on the bench press and power clean. The shoulder press falls somewhere in the middle. I figure I might fail on the weighted pull-ups next time out, but I don't really count those. Not sure why.

So, after getting a chiding from Harlan and Aaron, and subsequently visiting the terrific 70s Big website, I decided that I could eat whatever the fuck I wanted because I'm doing strength training. On Saturday, I ate an enormous amount and there was plenty of crap, including fries and cheese toast.

Uh... no. I'm still going to eat lots of meat (even more than the amount I was already eating, which was a lot) and worry less about whether it's lean. After reading excerpts from "The Paleo Diet" I don't really want to go back to eating a lot of grains, but I will probably enjoy a few cheeseburgers.

I have also started drinking whole milk, to up my calorie intake. Goddamn, that stuff is good. Not a gallon a day, but easily more than a litre.

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