Monday, February 22, 2010

Deck of Cards Saturday

The one thing about doing this Strength programming is that I "miss out" on all the "fun" of doing the WODs that everyone else at CrossFit Regina are doing. And there have been some nasty looking WODs lately.

It's weird, but after a month of not suffering in the same way as everyone else at CrossFit Regina - even though it's my choice to do my own thing for a little while - I kind of feel left out.

(This is the part where Tracey would tell me that I'm being such a girl. Good thing she doesn't read this blog.)

Anyway, to alleviate my feelings of CrossFit loner-ism (can you tell I write things for a living?), I'm trying to hit at least one WOD a week and it's probably going to be Saturdays for the most part. Hopefully, I'll be able to retain a bit of metcon capacity, too. This past Saturday, the 10a.m. WOD was the good ol' "Deck of Cards."

Pretty simple:

Do the number of reps that the card's value represents. (Aces = 11, duh)
Hearts = Pull-ups
Diamonds = Push-ups
Spades = Squats
Clubs = Sit-ups
Jokers = 20 Burpees, and you double the reps on the card that comes next.

I was invited into a group of four with the Competition Team members Christian, Kim F., and Kat. They had all just finished the 9a.m. workout involving some kind of Tabata-related torture, so I had nothing to complain about. But Christian still was the first one done on every rep.

I can still feel it in my shoulders a couple of days later.


Chris said...

Tyler maybe you can avoid the bad shit that comes with a bunch of milk.

Tyler said...

That was a very good article, Chris. I've been thinking about Vitamin D for a while now, mostly thanks to your blog (and Kelly's, too, I think... sometimes I forget which of your guys' blogs I read certain things on).