Thursday, November 26, 2009

Robb Wolf

My spotty nutritional habits don't exactly qualify me to be a Robb Wolf disciple (why yes, as a matter of fact I did have two ice cream floats today, thankyouverymuch), but the whole saga of how he got fired from CrossFit HQ is strangely compelling.

My connection and subsequent loyalty to CrossFit has always been to CrossFit Regina, not CrossFit HQ, and I'm not planning on taking any certifications (for my goals I don't see a lot of point in it) so this doesn't really affect me at all.

But it sure sounds like Dave Castro is an asshole. Before today, I wouldn't have known him if I had walked past him on the street, but I even get a dickhead vibe from him just from this video... and I agree with most of what he says.

Anyway, these do-it-yourself cartoons never cease to amuse me.


Chris said...

Tyler the whole fittest man/women on the planet kind of bugs me. What's wrong with just saying the Crossfittest? I would like to meet Castro to see how he is, in person, to a novice Crossfitter. I can imagine but then I would feel more comfortable bashing him. I already know what Robb is like in person.

shannon said...

I'd already decided Dave Castro is an egotistical twit just from watching "Every Second Counts" - it would appear first impressions are correct........."Any questions?"