Wednesday, November 18, 2009


For time:

100 pull-ups
100 push-ups
100 sit-ups
100 squats

I'm sure I've done Angie before, but I can't find when. Last month, we did "Age Adjusted Angie" - which for 33-year-old me was basically two-thirds of the full version - and it took me 14:something.

100 pull-ups in a row isn't fun. It's pretty tough on the hands. I was spending far too much time late in this round just trying to convince myself to grab the fricking bar again. I jumped up to the 8-foot bar for the first 45 or so, then moved to the 7-footer. I wonder if I stepped up like the guys in the video below, if it would allow me to get a better grip and bang more out? Perhaps I will try that the next time I have a WOD that calls for a ton of pull-ups.

100 push-ups reminded me that I need to work on doing push-ups more. I did 20 consecutive off the start, and then the sets quickly became 4s and 3s.

I feel like I've actually gotten worse on sit-ups and squats.

Time was 22:25. I was harbouring delusions of a sub-20 time, but it was not to be.

Here's a video of some guys doing Angie.

1 comment:

Leya said...

That video made me want to reach for the "easy" button!