Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Max Squats / weighted PLUs / "Nancy"

Squats and PLUs were:

For squats, I did 185-205-215-225-235(f)-235 (PR)

For PLUs, I did 25-35-45-55 (all dumbells) and then got out the chain belt to do 60.

Then, it was time for yesterday's WOD "Nancy."

For time, five rounds of:

400m run
15 95lb overhead squats.

I managed to do all but one round of the OHS without putting the bar on the ground midway through. (I'm not counting the failed snatch to start round three.)

I did it in 15:47 and am pretty happy with that. Doing the max back squats before was a pretty good warm-up for this one.

Here's a video of Nancy. Only difference is these dudes take the weight from the rack, and Harlan and I snatched it from the ground (which is slightly more manly).


Anonymous said...

nothing like a good case of stuborn for not putting down that bar!


Kurt said...

Impressive time Tyler. You must have been crusing on those OHS.

Tyler said...

Well, Harlan threatened me with burpees if I dropped the bar mid-set, so the alternative was to get them done as quickly as possible so I could put the bar down. I'm still more than a minute slower than your wife's gym record, though. Between that and her Cindy score, I'm starting to develop an inferiority complex. When she finally overtakes me on Fran, I'm probably gonna need therapy.