Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Deadlifts and Double Unders

Three rounds of:
15 185lb deadlifts
50 double unders

Time was 10:49.

I'm not a huge fan of "for time" that contain relatively heavy deadlifts, but that's probably because I know I need to be more vigilant about keeping my form strict and less worried about the clock. It's tough, though.

The actual workout was supposed to be using 10 x 275lb DLs, but my single rep max is 305. We had the option go with with a lighter weight and more reps, either 12 x 225lb, 15 x 185, or 18 x 155. My back just started feeling better after the 50 x 200lb DLs on Saturday, so I thought I would go a bit on the light side, though it didn't feel very light to me.

I still need to bring more intensity to my workouts.


Kurt said...

So your back was sore after Zombieland? I thought I was the only one (or at least the only one whining) and its still a bit sore after I did it on Sunday.

Tyler said...

I'm usually a fair bit stiff after a WOD that's big on DLs.