Monday, November 16, 2009

Power Snatch and Push-ups, Then 400m Run

As many rounds as possible (AMRAP) in 20 minutes of:

12 65lb power snatches
10 push-ups

AMRAPs are always tough. Your only reward for getting a bunch of work done quickly is having a bunch of time left to to a bunch more work. How messed up is that?

Anyway, this one starts out easy, but starts to get tough really fast.

I think my technique on the power snatches was getting kind of sloppy, despite repeated corrections from Crystal. Because the weight was light enough to fling it overhead, I did that without focusing on getting under the bar. But doing so may have burned out my arms and shoulders a little more than I needed to.

Push-ups are push-ups. I did pretty good on them, but they suck. They just do.

I did 12 rounds plus 8 snatches.

As a bonus, we did a group 400m race. I would have come in second in my group, but the dude in first place ran way past the turnaround point. That'll teach you for not paying attention, newbie.

Took me 1:17. I would have liked to beat 1:10, but I nearly puked as it was.

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