Monday, November 9, 2009

"Another Chipper"

For time:

1500m row
50 power cleans (65lbs)
25 ring dips
50 wall ball
25 GHD sit-ups

The rowing and wall balls were the toughest part of this one. I was sort of dreading the dips, but they went okay. I would have liked to string together more cleans in a row, but I was also trying to keep my form good.

Time was 17:02. The last time I did this was back in January, and it took me 20:05 with assisted ring dips.

As I mentioned, I couldn't string together too many wall balls in a row. Harlan was training today and at one point he said, "C'mon, you said yourself [on your blog] you're taking too many breaks."

Well, that'a a good point, actually. Still, there's nothing like someone throwing your own words back in your face at 6:30 in the morning.

If any other trainers or CrossFitters are looking to motivate me mid-workout by reiterating something I've said on either blog, here are some approved suggestions (by putting them here, they have technically been on the blog):

"Tyler, you are both witty and handsome."

"I had heard you were Saskatchewan's sexiest blogger, but I never believed it until now."

"I never realized someone could wear Lululemon gear and still be so uber-manly."

"All those people who finished this quicker than you were probably cheating."

"You are so awesome."

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