Thursday, November 14, 2013

Nautical Nancy

I've done variations of this but tonight was the first time I've done Nautical Nancy in the strict, "Five rounds, for time" way. 

Five rounds for time:

500m row
15 overhead squats (95lb)

16:59 rx'd

Nicole wrote down 17:00, but I made her change it, because I made sure to lock out before that second was up, and also because I'm a wanker. 

I'm happy with that time.  Hell, I was only 20 seconds slower than Shae, and anytime I'm in the same neighbourhood as him on a WOD, I'm not gonna complain. 

I took it relatively easy on the rows (all were between 1:50 and 2:05, plus transition time)

As a result, I was able to do all but one of the OHS sets unbroken, or at least without lowering the bar.  I did pause a bit or adjust my balance.  I also did the squats fairly quickly.  That's really the key to doing well on this.  Putting the bar down, picking it back up, re-setting your feet... those things will all cost me far more time than if I row the 500m in 1:40 vs. 1:55.  Plus, the more time you hang out with the bar above your head, the more fatigued you get, and the more you wear out your shoulders. 

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