Saturday, May 19, 2012

Tabata "Angie"

Using 20 second work intervals with 10 sec rest breaks, complete:
100 pull-ups
100 push-ups
100 sit-ups
100 squats

This was tough, obviously, but I actually liked doing this better than regular Tabata.

It took me 23:14.

The push-ups were the worst. After doing 15 and 10 in the first two intervals, I mostly did sets of 6 for the rest of it.

Pull-ups, I think I was consistently getting 7 or 8 each interval toward the end.

Sit-ups, 10 per interval.

Squats, maybe 12-15.  I was joined by the Boy on some of them, and Robin captured it on video. 

He's talking during his squats, so he obviously should be working harder.  In fairness, I should point out that he's actually doing weighted squats.  There are toys in that backpack. 

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