Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Running, HSPU, DHPLU

Got to CFR late for the lunch-hour workout, so didn't have time to do the Turkish Get-Ups that were part of the day's routine. It's too bad, because TGUs are something I definitely could improve upon.

In fact, I've noticed that the more "manly" I consider a CrossFit exercise to be, the more likely I am to be mediocre or bad at it. TGUs, deadlifts, tire-flipping, sandbag loading... So, yeah, I'm a big fucking puss.

I did the second part of the WOD, which was:

4x400m run

Rds 1&3 end with max handstand pushups

Rds 2&4 end with max dead hang pullups
Round 1. 1:27 run, 10 kipping HSPU
Round 2. 1:30 run, 7 DHPLU
Round 3. 1:38 run, 11 kipping HSPU
Round 4. 1:35 run, 6 DHPLU

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