Friday, July 9, 2010

Dot Com WOD

For time, five rounds of:

40 double unders
30 24" box jumps
20 55lb bell swings

This was nasty. Particularly the box jumps.

Took me 26:05


Leya said...

Nice work, McMurchy! I SOOOO want to do this one but we are only allowed to do one round, untimed, but unbroken.

You and Tracey coming to the steak night?

Tyler said...

I thought it was a decent time but it won't hold up very well over the course of the day. Such are the risks of being in the first class of the day when it's the first time you're doing the WOD.

Can't make the steak night. Tracey's condition doesn't leave her with much energy in the evenings.