Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Back Squats

Today, the WOD at CFR is Back squats 5-5-5-3-3-3.

I wasn't going to do this, because my plan was to do a metcon today, Strength WOD tomorrow, and metcon the day after. But then I figured this would be a good chance to test myself on the squat outside of the linear progression of the Strength work.

We were supposed to start the reps of 5 with 75% of our one-rep max, which I don't know. So I started at 255lbs, which is 10lbs more than what I squatted on Monday, but 15 lbs less than the most I've ever done for five reps. It may have been a bit high to start, but I compensated by keeping the increases low.

So it went like this:

5's: 255, 260, 265 (on this one, I actually didn't go low enough on the fifth one, so I did an extra one that was low enough)

3's: 270, 275(PR), 280(PR)

I've never squatted more than 280 lbs, even for one rep, so I'm pretty satisfied. This actually restored a bit of my confidence in doing squats for the Strength workouts.

Bonus work was to "Skin the Cat" x 15. I did it in sets of 5, 4, 3, 3.

Mine did not look nearly as controlled or graceful as this.

1 comment:

aaron said...

No, no! I wanted to know what you thought about the Who's Who post!