Thursday, July 15, 2010

Bell Swing Breathing Ladder - Note to self: Always listen to Aaron

Using a dumbbell or kettlebell, do one rep, one breath, two reps, two breaths, all the way up to 20 reps, then back down again to one. You must take the required breaths, and ONLY take the required breaths during the “rest”; extra breaths are okay during the work portion.

For "Advanced," it was 20 reps with a 55lb kettlebell, which amounts to 400 swings. Since I had never done a breathing ladder before, Aaron suggested that I only do the "Intermediate" version, that goes up to 15 reps and back down, which is... uh, a lot fewer total swings.

Against his advice, I went for the Advanced version. Amazingly, I started regretting it right around 16 reps on the way up.

There was a lot of downtime during sets, as I tried to convince myself to pick up the KB and finish the set.

Final time was 39:16


aaron said...

Amazingly?? You could have changed it to 1->16->1, no?

Tyler said...

But that would make me a quitter. I'd have to change the name of the blog to "Does Not F---ing Finish What He F---ing Starts Hands," which is not nearly as catchy and is a harder URL to remember.

Leya said...

The 1-20-1 bell swing ladder is one workout I will NEVER, EVER do ever again. I think I actually preferred the 500 thruster for time painstorm over it. That is how much this particular WOD sucks the will to live right on out of you.