Friday, March 12, 2010

Strength - Workout A

Back squats - Three sets of 5 x 260lbs

Each rep was a struggle. On the second rep of the first set, I had a bit of a balance issue.

Shoulder Press - It was supposed to be three sets of 5 x 125lbs

I failed in each set. First set, I completed three reps; second, four reps; third, two reps.

I'm not sure if it would have made a difference, but my shoulders were still feelin Tuesday's Chelsea WOD. I will repeat this weight the next time I do shoulder presses.

Deadlift - One set of 5 x 295lbs

This was the one that I worried about the most. I got it. My grip was a little sketchy on the later reps.

So, I had sort of planned on stopping with the milk. I'd like to lean back out and see if I could maintain my strength gains. But I think I'm going to keep with it for a while.

Tracey is gonna be thrilled.


Kurt said...

I can’t imagine ripping out 260lbs for reps of 5 - that’s 5 lbs heavier than my 1 rep max effort at the total. Colour me very impressed Tyler. Combine this newfound strength with the cheap and easy cardio you’ll get back will mean some impressive results in the standard wods. You’ll fly through the pet rock painstorm and previously bitch slapped you.

Anonymous said...

Good idea with the milk


Tracey said...

Liar liar pants on fire.