Monday, March 8, 2010

Strength Workout B

Back squats: Three sets of 5 x 255lbs

I would say that this felt very heavy, and failure was a real possibility. But slightly less so than last Wednesday at 250lbs.

Bench press: Three sets of 5 x 130lbs

Feelin' good. I need to remember to pay attention to my back (to arch it) and my feet (keep the heels flat).

Power cleans: Five sets of 3 x 145lbs.

Just fine.


Kurt said...

Very impressive Tyler - your work is really paying off here. You already have a 300 squat in you and you're not done yet.

I'll bet those power cleans feel very light considering where you are now at.

Tyler said...

Yeah, I worry less about the power cleans than I do anything else. My technique and timing still need work, though.

Nick said...

Hey Ty - are you arching your back so that you can lift as much as possible? There are definitely two points of view here. Bodybuilders would traditionally avoid arching, considering it as bad technique for building muscle. However, power lifters incorporate the arch to minimize the distance the bar has to be lifted and to increase rigidity in the core.

Nice work!

Tyler said...

Yeah, I would fall on the non-bodybuilder side of that argument.