Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Chelsea "DAMMIT!!"

Benchmark Girl “Chelsea”:
“Cindy” on the minute for up to 30 minutes
Cindy = 5 Pull-ups, 10 Push-ups, 15 Squats

Start a round of Cindy on the minute and keep going until you can’t complete the round within the minute. Continue doing rounds of “Cindy” until 30 minutes is up.

The problem with Cindy has always been the push-ups. They burn out your arms FAST. I didn't participate in the push-up challenge that CFR is doing this month, but I may do one on my own starting April 1.

I only got 7 rounds on the minute. The "DAMMIT!!" in the blog post title quotes my reaction upon falling two squats short of eight rounds. It was really ignorant of me to do, because there were CrossFit Kids in the gym. I was extremely pissed off and disappointed in myself, but that's no excuse. I've reigned in my swearing at home and at the gym a fair bit, but I still have work to do.

Then, I wallowed in self-pity for a good minute and ended up with 14 rounds at 20 minutes, which I don't regard as a real Cindy score because of so much resting during the early part, when you're fresh. For example, BrianB did Cindy on the minute for the entire 30 minutes, but his real Cindy score would be higher than 20 if he didn't spend 30 seconds of every minute resting.

After 30 minutes, I got 19 rounds, plus 5 pull-ups, plus 4 push-ups.

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