Saturday, March 20, 2010

“The 16 Ton Toolbox”

As a team, members must accumulate to a total number of reps, calories, and pounds in the following exercises:
Pull-ups 120
Burpees 160
Rowing 200 calories
Deadlift 32000 lbs with 185lb bar

I teamed with Christian, James, and Jordan. I dubbed us "Team SexyFuck" for reasons I can't quite explain.

I came up with the idea of splitting the work into four rounds of:

-8 or 7 pull-ups
-10 burpees
-11 deadlifts
-12.5 calorie row

The advantage to this is that we were able to work in short bursts, with rests built in, because the rowing always took the longest.

We finished in 14:01. It was my fault that we didn't break 14 minutes, because the way that the rotation worked, rowing was my final station. I was the shortest guy, which is a slight disadvantage when you're rowing.

Afterward, we did a tire-dragging relay. Wow, did that suck.

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