Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Strength - Workout A

Back squats - Three sets of 5 x 250lbs

Not easy. Not easy AT ALL.

Shoulder press - Three sets of 5 x 120lbs

I'm such an idiot. After the first set of 5, I was congratulating myself for how easy it was. Then, I did the math and realized that I used 25-lb plates instead of 35. So I had only pressed 100lbs. I had to do three more sets of five, with another 20 lbs on the bar. The final couple of reps on each one were tough.

Deadlift - One set of 5 x 285lbs

Since I barely got the 285 up last week, Aaron suggested I do it again rather than going up 295. You'd think after the shoulder press math debacle, I would have learned my lesson. Nope. I did a set of five and realized that there was only 275lbs on the bar. So I put a five pound plate on each side and waited a few minutes. The 285 was frickin' tough, but I didn't come as close to losing my grip on the bar this time around.

I didn't have time for weighted pull-ups. Tonight, maybe.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

keep with the milk