Monday, January 18, 2010

Strength Program

Instructions from Aaron:

Here are the numbers to start with, Squat 170 (5lb), Deadlift 215 (10lb), Bench Press 95 (5lb), Power Clean 110 (5lb), Shoulder Press 80 (5lb). You can decide if you want to fit in 2 or 3 strength sessions per week. Either way, you will alternate between two workouts.
Workout A) Squat 3 sets of 5 reps (3x5), Shoulder Press 3x5, and Deadlift 1x5, Weighted Pullups 3x5-7 reps. Workout B) Squat 3x5, Bench Press 3x5, Power Clean 5 sets of 3 reps (5x3). Beside each starting weight is a number in brackets, this is how much weight you will add to the exercise every time you do the workout. These weights will feel easy at first, that is fine, it won't be long before they will feel like more work. Use the same weight for each of the sets (called "sets across"). When you get to the point of not being able to get all the reps with the weight I will give you further instructions.

Right now your dominant goal is building strength. Your priority is the 3 strength sessions and recovery. You should gain weight on this program, but it will mostly be the muscle you want to gain.

It would be better to be more rested going into a strength workout than really sore from a metcon the day before. You should be able to do strength then metcon but if the metcon has you doing 300 squats the day before your next strength day maybe sub something else in order to allow you to squat well for strength day.

Don't do 2 strength days consecutively.

If you want a little metcon cardio, keep it short, fast paced, and intense, nothing over 10 minutes.

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