Thursday, January 28, 2010


I saw this article on "10 ways to be a better CrossFitter" from CrossFit South Beach linked on the Affiliate blog. It's all good, but this one is my favourite:

3. Don’t whine – It’s okay to cry, just make sure that we can’t see or hear you and remember to clean up your tears when you’re done. Maybe the song that comes on isn’t your favorite, in the immortal words of Josh Everett “If you need music to motivate you, go find something else to do”. Be careful of asking me to change the song, I might just put on Miley Cyrus’ Party in the USA on repeat. I’m your coach, not Mix Master Mike. You have a task to accomplish, so do it. Yes I know that every workout is hard and I know that you hate running and I know that the bar hurts your delicate hands, but there comes a time when we have to nut up or shut up…or both. CrossFit is constantly varied, so the odds are that you will see some workouts you hate. That’s why it’s CrossFit and not alltheshityoulikeFit. When you come to CrossFit, be ready to work. Come prepared to face all those pains and things you hate head on. Accept the suck.
Hmmm... complaining about the music? Check.

Hurting my delicate hands? See the name of this blog.

"alltheshityoulikeFit"? That is officially the greatest word invented this week.

Go read the entire list.

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