Wednesday, October 7, 2009

If you wanna be a big dog, you gotta run with the big dogs

That was a line I used to explain why I decided to sign up for Division 1 at the Saskatchewan CrossFit Challenge.

In CrossFit, the biggest competition is within yourself. How much did I improve from the last time I did this? Did I go faster? Did I lift more?

It makes sense that those are the victories you focus on and chase, because you will see progression, and that progression will motivate you to keep coming and to keep improving. Especially when you first start out, and the WODs seem impossible and the people who can do them all as rx'd seem like impossibly athletic cyborgs.

This article from Again Faster reminds us that it's not such a bad thing to look at those around you who are stronger and/or faster than you. And, rather than accept the fact that they are better at CrossFit (or at least certain aspects of it), and they always will be... why not try to catch up?

Rather than look at the fastest guy or gal in your class and say, "She's amazing, I could never do what she's doing," maybe look at what they are doing and realize that it is possible for a human to perform at that level.

There will be times that you surprise yourself. It happened with me when I did "Helen" and you know the real reason why? I was trying to come close to Robin's score.

Look, I know there are limits to what a human body can do, and as a 33-year-old, three-or-four-day-a-week CrossFitter who likes to drink beer and eat shitty food on occasion, I might not ever get 23+ rounds of "Cindy" like James. I might not ever get a 346 on Fight Gone Bad like Franz. I might not ever run a 5K in 21 minutes like Nick.

But you bet your ass I'm gonna try.


Anonymous said...

Your not just a big dog.......You're a FARM DOG!


Robin said...

Farm dog! Always honored to get a mention!

aaroncfr said...

The last paragraph and especially the last sentence are awesome words of inspiration, Tyler. You know there are people at CFR that are looking at your scores and saying the same things you are saying about Nick, James, Franz, and Robin.

Kurt said...


You're a guy I'm trying to chase. You leaped way ahead of me but you bet your ass I'm going to try to get ahead of you.

Tyler said...

Kurt, I may beat you on a few WODs, but you destroy me when it comes to sexy abs.

Tracey said...

Tyler, your last sentence made me so proud I cried. You are so inspirational and I love you so much.

Darcy 'D2' said...

Dude I should have read your blog early I feel bad about being a winy bitch on mine lol. Good entry my man