Monday, October 12, 2009

"Partner Pumpkin Pie" and adventures in Vaseline with D3

"Partner Pumpkin Pie"

With a partner, perform the following:

AMRAP in 25 minutes:
50 Wall Ball – 20/14lb
40 Double-Unders
30 Bell Swings – 55/35lb
20 Push-ups
10 Pull-ups

I partnered with BrianB and we got 5 rounds, plus 30 WB. This was pretty tough, mostly because BrianB was done his share of the reps so fast I didn't get much of a break in between. At least I was courteous enough to take my time with my share.

Afterward, the bonus was do do five minutes of situps. I just knew this was gonna suck. BrianB, with his ridiculous abs and cardio, never stopped, kept a nice steady pace, and actually sped up in the last 30 seconds, and got 178.

Then it was my turn. Because I didn't want to get "monkey butt" from so many sit-ups, I headed over to my bag to get some Vaseline to put on my ass. D3 asked me if he could have some, too.

"Sure," I said. "But you have to get all you need with the first scoop." D3 is one of my favourite guys at CrossFit Regina, but I'm just trying to keep my Vaseline free of assy contamination. (The same "one-scoop" rule applies to myself).

We each took a scoop and ducked into the bathroom to apply it. To ourselves, of course. Get your mind out of the gutter.

Y'know, before I joined CrossFit, I probably would have thought it was weird to go into a public bathroom with another dude and emerge with Vaseline on my ass.

By the way, I got 120 sit-ups in five minutes. Not great, but at least my ass doesn't hurt.


Anonymous said...

This sounds like a title of a Thanksgiving porn. I'd watch it.


Chris said...

I think Vaseline deserves a label.

Leya said...

"get all you need with the first scoop"

Words to live by....