Monday, October 5, 2009

Burpees/Push Press/Pull-ups

For time, six rounds of:

12 burpees
12 dumbbell push press (2x30lb)
12 pull-ups

Time was 13:07


Anonymous said...

Did you really do only took one day off? You are a crazy mofo.


Leya said...

I was thinking the same thing, a. Mandy and Kat also went in. I'm feeling like a total slacker at this point.

Also, Tyler, WTG! Top time of the day?

Tyler said...

Yup. I was actually thinking that I might have skipped a round, but Simon was next to me and said nope. Sets of 12 are just about perfect for me.

Tyler said...

Oh, 'a', remember that I worked out one less time than you did in Saskatoon. If there had been heavy weights in this one, I probably would have passed. However, I feel like I had to attone for my Fuddrucker sins.