Monday, June 21, 2010

"Throw 'n Run"

A. Strength = Hang Power Snatch 3-3-3-1-1-1

Here's what a hang power snatch looks like. I'm pretty sure mine aren't anywhere close to this explosive.

95(3), 115(3), 135(3). Pressed it out on the third rep of the 135.

145(1), 150(F), 150(F). Wish I would have got that one.

B. Metcon – “Throw ‘n Run” for time:
25 Wall Ball – 20/14lb
Run to start of grass and back (100m)
20 Wall Ball – 20/14lb
Run to 2nd power box and back (200m)
15 Wall Ball – 20/14lb
Run to 3rd power box and back (400m)

I wanted to get sub-6:00. I did it in 5:25. It was good having Blair, Franz, John and Danny doing this at the same time, because I think it pushed everyone harder. I was out front until the last set of wall balls. I got back to the wall first, but Blair was right behind, and had the wind to pick his ball up immediately, while I lollygagged a bit. He opened up some distance between us on the run, and finished at 4:58, which is a pretty great time.

C. Skill = 3 sets of 15 Box Jumps unbroken – 20″

Did it. I may have done 16 on one or both of my first two sets. Hey, they don't call it CountFit.


Robin said...

Remember when I said do not pause at the knees, this dude is pausing at the knees. I only watched his first 3 reps. Here is a demo by Sage Burgener:

Kurt said...

I've been doing it wrong. For some reason I thought the hang PS was just a jump and shrug with no knee bend. I thought it was just hip extension and shrug.
