Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Strength - Workout B

Given what I said in yesterday's post, I decided that I was going to do some Strength work today, no matter how "fun" the WOD looked.

Aw, damn, it's Filthy Fifty. I haven't done that for a year, and my 33-plus-minute time from back then is just begging to be improved upon. Oh well, a promise is a promise.

Back squats - Three sets of 5 x 215 lbs

I continue to be amazed at how heavy this feels, when I was at one point squatting 265 for fives. It goes up, but... damn.

Bench press - Three sets of 5 x 145 lbs

Heavy. Reaching the upper limits of my capability there. I wonder if I should still be going up by five lbs each time, or change it to 2.5 lbs? Maybe I'll wait until I actually fail.

Power cleans - Five sets of 3 x 155 lbs.

Still pretty good. The hook grip hurts.

I did five snatches of 135 lbs for fun afterward.

Tomorrow's workout may involve back squats and running. Maybe I can do Filthy Fifty then.

Overheard at the Gym:
(Discussing what the hook grip has in common with a condom)
Christian: "You know you should use it, but it just doesn't feel right."


Kurt said...

Nice work. I'm doing 'B' tonight baring any pain issues.

Hey, wait a minute, 'B' is supposed to be shoulder press and power cleans. 'A' is bench press and deadlift.

aaron said...

I wouldn't worry about it, Kurt. The main thing is each session has a squat, a form of press, and a pull.
Oh, and responsible grown-ups use the hook grip. It helps to prevent an unexpected "oops".

Kurt said...

Then I guess it doesn't matter what session you attach ring dips or dead hangs to it?

I'm German - I get worked up and stressed with improvisation.

aaron said...

Since we only do 1 work set for deadlift I usually add some weighted deadhangs on that day. When I have done weighted ring dips I subbed them in place of bench press. Gotta keep that shoulder press, ya know.