Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Strength - Workout A and training for an Isabel rematch

Back squat - Three sets of 5x 210 lbs

Why are these so heavy for me now? Oh, that's right, because I haven't been doing the fucking work.

Shoulder press - Three sets of 5 x 115 lbs

The last time I did these, this was supposed to be my warm-up weight. Then I failed trying it. Time to work my way back up.

Deadlift - One set of 5 x 225 lbs

This was okay.

After not being confident in my ability to do Isabel as rx'd, I kept 135 lbs on the bar and did some snatches. Not for time, just to do them. I did about 15, maybe averaging about three a minute. I think I was helped by the fact that I was pretty warmed up from the strength work.

I want to do a little work on my snatches at least once a week.

Doing 15 tells me that I can definitely do Isabel rx'd, but my time will probably be closer to 10:00 than 5:00.


Kurt said...

If you ever get the itch to do strength workouts my schedule is Tues/Thurs @ 7PM and Sun @ 1PM. Kind of blows when you're the only guy doing this. I'm supposed to do Workout A this Thursday.

Anyways I get where you're coming from. If you take any significant time off it seems like it saps you of a good 40-50lbs on the squat. It comes back quickly though.

tarynrom said...

Next time, walk in there and attack that weight. Don't let your thoughts get in the way. You gotta wrap your hands around that bar and say to yourself how this shit is going above your head.

I stuck at a 185 deadlift for almost 6 months, all because I kept talking myself out of it.

One day I grabbed a bar with 225 and said I'm getting this up, and that day I PR'ed... 6 months later.

Grab it, don't think about how it intimidates you, how you don't think you can do it, etc. Just grab it and go. Sometimes we need to do things rx'ed even though it takes double what everyone else is doing.

Keep at her Tyler.

Anonymous said...

STFU and man-up, wiener.

Love always,


Tyler said...

Kurt, I will keep that in mind if I ever manage an evening or Sunday free.

Taryn - thanks. And thanks for stopping by the blog.

Kat - except for the STFU part, I thought that's what I WAS doing. Really, not getting that rx'd star has stuck in my craw since Friday, and I'm addressing it. Plus, I am starting to develop a deep love for the snatch.

Robin said...

I like the training for Isabel. When I wanted to do Grace rx'd, I started doing 5 clean & jerks at rx'd weight after every workout, when I was tired. Worked like a charm.

p.s. there's nothing wrong with a 10 minute Isabel.